Perkin Mak
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Perkin Mak AIA

Associate, Project Architect

As a licensed architect in the State of California with over 16 years of professional experience, Perkin has achieved notable success in the design and development of commercial and residential projects, including single-family housing, recording studios, post-production buildings, media facilities and creative workplaces. In the role of Project Architect at CWa, Perkin has worked on a wide variety of projects from concept generation through construction completion. His interpersonal, communication and presentation skills help him translate the client’s needs into intuitive, creative design. Most recently at Clive Wilkinson Architects, he has notably contributed to the upcoming Intuit Bayshore Building in Mountain View, the lululemon SSC headquarters project in Vancouver, and a remodel of John Lautner’s Wolff House in Los Angeles. Perkin received his Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Southern California.
