Philip Gleason
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Philip Gleason

Philip Gleason AIA

Associate Principal, Project Director

Philip joined our firm with over a decade of experience in leading the design of commercial, corporate, and institutional projects across North America. He has diverse experience in both interior design and architecture, and this diversity allows him to successfully achieve each Client’s vision through an integrated design process. He has served as the project architect for over one million square feet of Facebook/Meta workplace, studio and lab projects including the recently completed Playa Vista Campus in Los Angeles. Philip’s experience ranges from fast paced and demanding tenant improvement projects to the design of complex building envelope systems. Responsible for design evolution, coordination and project management, Philip works closely with the Design Director to develop the conceptual approach and manages the project team through to completion. In this role, he ensures that the design vision is maintained from conceptual premise to project handover. He received his Bachelor of Architecture degree from Syracuse University and is a licensed architect in the state of California.
