08 Jul Clive Wilkinson Architects Ranks #63 in Architizer’s List of the 100 Best Architecture and Design Firms in the United States
We are pleased to announce our inclusion in Architizer’s list of the 100 Best Architecture and Design Firms in the United States.
Our #63 ranking was “created according to key statistics that demonstrate each firm’s level of architectural excellence. The following metrics have been accumulated to establish each architecture firm’s ranking, in order of priority:
- The number of A+Awards won (2013 to 2024)
- The number of A+Awards finalists (2013 to 2024)
- The number of projects selected as “Project of the Day” (2009 to 2024)
- The number of projects selected as “Featured Project” (2009 to 2024)
- The number of projects uploaded to Architizer (2009 to 2024)”
Thank you to Architizer and congratulations to all of the other firms on the list – we are in excellent company.
Photo: Jason O’Rear