WATCH: Clive’s ArchiAfrika E-Lecture with Guest Host Frances Anderton

This year, architectural education across the world, and especially in Africa, has been deeply affected by the coronavirus. In response, ArchiAfrika is reviving its online lecture series to bring content and professional engagement to African architectural students, which our Founder and Design Director Clive Wilkinson was invited to kick off last week!
Clive virtually sat down with guest host Frances Anderton, who also hosts and produces KCRW’s DnA: Design and Architecture, to discuss how growing up in South Africa shaped his design thinking–illustrated through a slideshow of landmark projects, including the new KCRW Media Center—and his views on race and racial equality.
ArchiAfrika was founded by a group of architects who, through the development of educational opportunity and economic growth on the continent, were eager to re-define the urban landscape of the African city. The non-profit organization strives to demonstrate that economic and design development in Africa can be sustainable, inclusive and socially relevant.
Watch the full e-lecture here.

Photo: Michael Moran
