Michelle Pauly
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Michelle Pauly

Michelle Pauly CFIA

Associate, Project Coordinator

Michelle is an architect and strategist with nearly ten years of experience in the design and construction industry. Her solution-oriented approach has contributed to the design and development of several commercial and residential projects, including single-family housing, mixed use, entertainment, and creative workplaces. Since joining CWa, she has worked on all phases of projects, from concept generation, workplace strategy, and space planning, to construction documents. Michelle’s critical thinking and communication skills have helped when working closely with clients to find creative solutions to their needs. Her contributions in the firm include the development of the Malouf Headquarters in Logan, Utah, the lululemon SSC headquarters project in Vancouver and GLG offices in Austin, Texas. She became a Licensed Architect in her native Costa Rica (CFIA) and obtained her Master of Architecture from the University of California, Los Angeles.
